Benefits of Swimming Classes for Kids

Swimming is a great activity and provides children to have fun and be active at the same time. However, kids get to the point to be able to enjoy swimming specially family swims, they have to learn how to be comfortable in the water, enjoy water-based activities and swim with confidence. That is where swimming …

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Is it O.k for Children to Play In Swimming Lessons?

Growing, Development & Being Active To grow and develop, children need time and space to be active and play safely. Swimming pools are great environments for children to play freely and all sort of activities; jumping; diving, kicking, etc. Why Play Matters Sir Ken Robinson, British author, speaker and international advisor on education, once said …

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Love Swimming on Valentine’s Day! Why Water Lovers Are Healthier

Do you love swimming? You should and here’s why! Hope you had a fabulous Valentine’s day, and it was filled with beautiful flowers, chocolate and interesting presents. But, Valentine’s day is a very good occasion to talk about swimming. Are you wondering why? Because firstly, swimming and love benefit us in similar ways and secondly, learning …

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Why Can Swimming Make Children Happy?

Can Swimming Make Children More Happy? This week (4-10 February 2019) is Children’s Mental Health Week. Regardless of age, Mental health is an important part of our overall health and these days parents pay a great deal of attention to their children’s happiness. A happy child is active and expresses positive emotions and feelings at …

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